Monday 11 April 2016

BREAKING: Top ISIS Commanders Fleeing To America & Illegals Are Now Going To Be Granted Citizenship In The United States

Illegals Are Now Going To Be Granted Citizenship In The United States
  • Does President Barak Obama have a hidden agenda by bringing brutal Islamic terror leaders to the US?
  • Is Obama moving America to Self-Destruct through Islamic terrorists who are using the migration crisis to enter the US and plot atrocities?
  • How far is he willing to go to?  

According to a recent poll conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute, many Americans are still not seeing the importance of having a sealed and secure border.

The poll indicates that 62% of Americans believe that illegal immigrants should be given citizenship. Contrastingly, only 19% feel that they should be deported. On top of those shocking numbers, 15% feel that they should be allowed to become legal residents.

Though the weight of this poll comes from the Democratic population, the survey did reveal a similar sentiment coming from the Republican side. 51% of young republicans think that immigrants strengthen their standard of living, and want them to be welcomed into our country.

“While the campaigns of the leading Republican presidential candidates have been fueled by antipathy toward immigrants, these views are not reflective of the general public’s mindset and may not resonate among younger Republicans and white evangelical Protestants,” Dr. Robert P Jones, CEO of the Public Religion Research Institute told reporters.

“While these younger voters are less of a factor in the primary season, Republican candidates will need their support in the general election,” Jones continued.

Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have both been vocal with their intentions to strengthen border control, especially after the attacks in Brussels.

Meanwhile, a new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today is expressing alarm after the Obama regime this past week allowed at least 13 top Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) battlefield commanders who fled the Syrian region of the Levant War Zone to enter the United States as immigrants in a move similar to those taken by the US after World War II when Operation Paperclip allowed over 1,500 Nazi regime war criminals to enter America before their capture by rapidly advancing Soviet armies.

According to this report, in the waning days of World War II, and immediately thereafter, the US instituted Operation Paperclip to remove from Nazi Germany all top scientists, engineers and technicians who had first hand knowledge of the American corporations that not only supported this genocidal regime, but profited from it too.

Also similar to World War II, this report continues, the Obama regimes protection of these Islamic State commanders comes on the heels of Russia’s massive defeat of these terror leaders forces in Syria who fled the battlefield before their capture—and what would surely have been their interrogations proving the linkage to their American masters.

In the speeded-up “surge operation” to bring to America these Islamic State commanders, this report explains, the Obama regime has stated as its goals to have 10,000 of these terrorists (and their families consisting mainly of their Christian “slave brides” and children born of rape) on US soil by 30 September.

And as if this affront to the American people couldn’t be made any worse by bringing these brutal Islamic terror leaders to the US, this report notes, the Obama regime this past week was able to do so when its top administration attorney, Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, told his nations Supreme Court that President Obama has the legal right to give them, and millions of other illegal immigrants, federal government payments for Social Security, Medicare, Food Stamps, and other such monies that will cost the taxpayers of this nation billions of dollars—and who already pay more taxes every year then they spend on food, clothing and housing combined!

With the European Union’s border control agency Frontex already warning that Islamic terrorists are using the migration crisis to enter Europe and plot atrocities across the continent, this report concludes, the Obama regimes actions in bringing to America these hardened terror leaders is beyond comprehension—not to mention downright dangerous.


Bookmia Online Books

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