Wednesday 6 April 2016

BREAKING: Trump positioned to gain power. While Congress moves to curb Obama’s Powers

BREAKING: Trump Just REVEALED Huge News About His Campaign!!

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s “best asset” is joining his campaign Monday as Trump pulls out all the stops to win a high-stakes GOP primary on Tuesday.
Trump announced Saturday that his wife, Melania, will be joining him in Wisconsin on Monday. At least one commentator thinks she may have what his campaign needs.
“She’s going to campaign. She’s never done this before,” Trump said Saturday during a rally at Racine, Wis. “So that will be exciting, Melania is coming up.”

Melania Trump has remained in the background of the campaign. To date, the only time she received much attention came when a racy modeling photo that appeared on the cover of GQ in 2000 was used in an anti-Trump ad in Utah, sparking Trump to lash out at Republican rival, Sen. Ted Cruz, and Cruz’s wife, Heidi.
Despite Melania Trump’s low profile to date, one commentator thinks she will help Trump.
“Melania Trump could be a persuasive messenger in the campaign, especially among political independents. In fact, she could be more effective … than Trump himself,” wrote Lauren Wright for The Washington Post.
Wright conducted an experiment in which she asked 3,150 Americans to read an excerpt of a speech praising Trump’s record as a leader, with the accompanying image of either Donald Trump, Melania Trump, or New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.
“Unsurprisingly, Democrats and Republicans were largely unmoved by any of the appeals. But independents who read the speech attributed to Melania Trump were more favorable to her husband,” Wright wrote.
“These effects were larger among independent women: Melania Trump produced a 25-point increase in their support for Trump, relative to Christie, and a 16-point increase relative to Donald Trump himself,” she wrote.
” … spouses can be effective political surrogates because their personal relationship with the president allows them to credibly communicate his feelings, beliefs, and character while advocating for various issues, even as they avoid explicitly mentioning public policy,” she wrote.
Wright said that given the levels of unpopularity polls show Donald Trump has among women, “Melania Trump may be his best asset.”


Breaking: Congress Makes MAJOR Move Against Obama’s ILLEGAL Orders!

The Senate Republicans just filed a brief challenging President Barack Obama’s unconstitutional executive orders about amnesty!

In the challenge, Senators argue that the orders to give millions of illegals amnesty is in “stark contravention to federal law,” which is why the court must review it… and soon.

The key point from the nearly four dozen GOP senators who signed the brief is that Obama, through his immigration programs, is essentially making law from the White House, threatening the separation of powers laid out by the Constitution.

“There is little doubt that [Obama] adopted the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (“DAPA”) program as part of an explicit effort to circumvent the legislative process,” the Republicans’ friend-of-the-court brief, to be released later Monday, says.

The Republican-led House of Representatives voted last month on a resolution that green-lights an amicus brief arguing against the Obama administration. Lawyers for the House also on Monday filed their brief, which argues that “neither any immigration law now on the books nor the Constitution empowers [Obama] to authorize—let alone facilitate—the prospective violation of those laws on a massive class-wide scale.”
Via Politico

Lead by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), forty-three Senators signed the brief. They are not happy with Obama’s 2014 executive order which gave work permits for two or three years to illegal aliens who also brought children illegally into the country. McConnell argues the action is a “virtually unprecedented power grab” and a “direct attack on constitutional order.”

The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on the illegal orders on April 18, after 26 states filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration to stop the amnesty program.


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